Streaming of Funeral Service

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38 comments on “Nicole Thompson”

  1. A really beautiful service, what a lovely tribute for Nicky from her heartbroken sister Kerry, her nephew Daniel and her friends. My thoughts and prayers are with you Doreen, George, Kerry, Daniel, Brianna and all Nicky’s family and friends. Sleep well Nicky, rest in peace xx

  2. Condolences to your family and loved ones Nic. Thank you for being such a shining light in this world and for holding such a safe space for so many, including myself.
    You remind us all to be a little bit kinder, warmer, accepting and authentic on your untimely passing. May you rest in everlasting peace.

  3. To all of those left behind, may all the beautiful memories warm your hearts and in time the pain will ease. Nic was a special one, and her time was cut too short. She has loved and will be loved a lifetime.
    My thoughts are with you all.
    Thank you Nic for the laughs and all the lives you changed, thank you for the love you shared. You will be remembered.

  4. My heart breaks for Nic’s beautiful family, parents, sister, Brianna and Daniel – I used to call you Chippie to Nic when we talked about you. That was an amazing speech Daniel, she would be so proud. Nic has been a very dear friend for over 20 years, and I lived with her once in a big sharehouse in Newtown, Sydney. She has inspired me throughout my recovery and life, and has always been there for me. In her last msg and phone call last month, (before I moved interstate from Melbourne), she said she is the happiest she’s ever been. I always heard so much about her family, work colleagues. She loved so much. She was cheeky, hilarious, kind and full of empathy. Im so proud of her achieving over 13 years clean – to the end, getting her dream motorbike, buying a home, doing her masters, travelling. She lived her life to the absolute fullest. It was cut way too short. She had so much more to do and give but I know her legacy will live on through everyone she touched. She is – and always will be – an absolute inspiration to me.

  5. A beautiful and heartfelt goodbye to Nicky. Very moving tributes from friends and well done Kerry. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. May Nicky sleep well with the Angels. Love and hugs from Nuala and Ciara. XXX

  6. Thinking of you all, and sending hugs and love. Sorry we couldn’t be there in person. Such a lovely service, for a very special person. Love you nick, your wings were ready but our hearts were not. Fly high my beautiful niece. Xxxx

  7. Beautiful lady, beautiful service. We feel privileged to have been able to join in. Sending our love and prayers to your whole family. Please allow our deepest condolences. Rest in peace Nicky. Love Sue, John, Glenn, Lynne, Andy and Danika x

  8. Thinking of you all, and sending hugs and love. Sorry we couldn’t be there in person. Such a lovely service, for a very special person. Love you nick, your wings were ready but our hearts were not. Fly high my beautiful niece. Xxxx

  9. Remembering you Nicky. You may have lived far away and we only met a few times but the memories I have I will cherish forever. Watching your beautiful funeral service today was heartbreaking but beautiful at the same time. My prayers are with Auntie Doreen, Uncle George, Kerry, Andrew, Daniel, Brianna and all Nicky’s wonderful friends.

  10. Nic, you were one of a kind. So grateful to have had you in my life. Fond memories of playing pool after Prahan meeting and your amazing hugs. Rest well sister you will be missed. Thank you for your contribution to this world and you successfully completed the program. Love Liz C xx

  11. Dear Doreen, George, Kerry and family, my heart is hurting for you all at such sad time.

    I wish you love, peace and beautiful memories to ease your pain just a little bit.

    Kerry, you should be so very proud of your gorgeous kids…….what a wonderful young man Daniel is to honour his auntie in the way that he spoke.

    Go gently, Cindy x

  12. Dear Nic, we never did get to go on that motorbike ride, but gosh I admire how warmly you treated everyone. You shone bright and will be dearly missed. Much love to all your family and networks. X

  13. It was a beautiful service for a beautiful Person ,
    you made a difference Nic .
    I’ll miss your face and your hugs…..Kerri

  14. Mr & Mrs Thompson, Kerry and family,
    My deepest condolences on the passing of your beloved daughter and sister.
    I have such fond memories of times spent with the four of you.
    Please know that you are in my thoughts at this difficult time.

  15. Thinking of you all on this sad day, may the good Lord give you the strength to get through this sad times, all our love Ronnie and the family

  16. Wherever a beautiful soul has been there is a trail of beautiful memories.
    You’re not gone, as you will be in our hearts forever.
    Your legacy lives on and not a day will go by that I wont miss you.
    Rest in peace NIc. xxx

  17. Sending love to Nic’s family today. Nic was a very special person. This photo montage is beautiful. RIP Nic xoxo

  18. My deepest sympathies to Nicole’s family. She was such an amazing soul and my heart breaks for you and everyone who was close to her.

  19. To my beautiful cousin Nicky
    I’m so happy I got to know you more in recent years even though we in different countries far apart, you will be missed by many as you seen the good in all the people you met and touched many hearts, your time with us was too short ,please be a guide for your mam dad and kerry and give them strength in this time, love you cuz ❤️

  20. Nic, there were so many times that you reached out to me and i didn’t know what I needed to hear but what you said was just perfect. You touched me many times as our lives wandered in and out of contact. My love goes to family and many shared and unshared friends who you have had a massive impact on. I was so excited to see you in our last catch up and I’m sooo glad that it wasn’t long ago.

  21. Remembering the fun we had many years ago whilst working at the Sandringham Hotel.
    Your journey in this lifetime as we know it has ended all too soon.
    You now go forward to begin another journey, and have the reassurance that friends, family, and loved ones will be thinking of you.

  22. Thinking of happier times in Peters Drive watching the Thompson girls playing in the street. Our thoughts are with you today.
    Lyn and Steve

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