Streaming of Funeral Service

After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.

This service will have a password applied once edited, you will then need to contact the family for the password to access.

Following the service, the footage will be posted and you can watch at a later time if you were unable to watch at the time of the service.

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4 comments on “Paul Lineham”

  1. A lovely service honouring a beautiful man. I will never forget Pauls words of encouragement. Rest in Peace. Sending lots of love to Luke and Julie xxx

  2. A lovely service full of wonderful memories of a man who was quite literally larger than life. I always loved my chats with “big Paul” in the days when we were trudging after our kids at lifesaving carnivals and trainings. Rest in Peace Paul. Love to Luke and Julie xx

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