Streaming of Funeral Service

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23 comments on “Robert Simpson”

  1. I’m sad to hear of Bob’s passing, he truly showed Christ loving nature. I rejoice with him that he is now receiving his eternal reward for a life well spent. We will all meet again.

  2. Bob was a allrounder! Such an intelligent, kind and motivated man. It was a pleasure to work with him on the KooyongKoot Alliance and the Creek Above the Lake project. He understood the natural world, the challenges it is facing and was actively doing something about it.

  3. Such a fitting farewell for a beautiful man who touched our lives deeply with his questions, positive spin and true interest in people. I hope our memories of Robbie can inspire us to live as part of a supportive community and flourish. All our love to Gail, Kimberly, Justin and families xx

  4. A wonderful service of tribute and honouring of Bob by all who spoke and those attending. We were very glad to have known Bob, and Gail, at Ringwood. The service reflected Bob’s enthusiam for life, raising questions and exploring possibilities to make things better across a range of areas, and his encouragement to us to likewise through dreaming the dream of the kingdom, and making good things happen. A faithful and energetic servant of Jesus and seeing the kingdom of God come. Our thanks and love to Gail and the family. Peter (online)and Kathy (attending in person) Alsop.

  5. A loving and inspiring gentleman who cared about this world we are leaving our grandchildren. Thank you Bob.

  6. Dear Aunty Gail and family.
    The words that immediately come to mind when remembering Uncle Robert (why were we always so formal? Uncle Robbie would have been far more apt I think) are ‘joyful’ and ‘faithful’. Also youthful. I’m pretty sure that the last time I saw him was when he was rock-climbing with Justin and kids. Awesome! I so love – and will seek to emulate – his ambition to bring about flourishing: belonging and connection.
    Love to you.

  7. A wonderful honouring of, and tribute to Bob/Rob by all during a service that reflected Bob so very well. I am very glad to have known him, and Gail, during their time at Ringwood. Bob was always thinking, asking and encouraging us all for a better way forward in and as the Kingdom of God , with energy and a smile. He greatly enjoyed life and people. A wonderful testament to a faithful man and a life well lived.

  8. Thinking of you Gail & all your family. What a wonderful man Rob was there should be more people in this world like him & we are only sorry we never spent more time with him because of the distance.
    Love Dianne & Cedric xxx

  9. What a wonderful, sensitive, encouraging and nurturing farewell to a man who flourished and provoked all to do likewise.
    Jen and I were privileged to be part of Rob and Gail’s impish senses of humour on many occasions.
    Goodbye and Godspeed you dear friend, confidante and raconteur.
    Andy & Jennie Strempel

  10. A beautiful celebration of a life well lived. Bob will be greatly missed, he was a good friend. Sorry I couldn’t be there.
    Love and prayers for you Gail and your family.

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