The Funeral Service

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9 comments on “Rosewin Dorothy Phillips”

  1. Eternal rest grant unto Rosewin Phillips, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

    God of love and mercy, embrace Kim, Sally and all their families, whose hearts today overflow with grief, unanswered questions and such a sense of loss. Grant them space to express their tears. Hold them close through the coming days.

    My thoughts are with you all

  2. Our Sincere condolences to Sally Aaron, Kim and Family. It was a lovely service.
    Your mother would have been very proud.
    Mark Phillips

  3. A beautiful reflection of Rosewins life. A lovely lady , enjoyed our time together on our outings .
    Thoughts are with all .
    Karen x

  4. A beautiful reflection of Rosewins life . A lovely lady , enjoyed our times together. My thoughts are with you all. RIP Rosewin
    Karen x

  5. Beautiful service, everyone spoke so lovingly – much love, Tanya’s friend, Jenny xox

  6. Thank you for such a beautiful service for my beloved auntie Rosewin
    Sadly missed and much loved, a very special person in my life
    Sending love to Kim, Sally and Aaron

  7. Sincere condolences to Sally, Kim and Aaron. Sorry I couldnt attend today but you have given your mum/grandmother a very beautiful send off. May she RIP and now be reunited with her beloved husband and son.
    Maggs Bodon

  8. Thinking of the fond memories and stories of times and trips with Ros.
    Garden nurseries and family gathering with Barbara and Dennis. A wonderful venue.
    My condolences to Sally Aaron, Kim and Family.

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