Streaming of Funeral Service
The Infusion
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On behalf of Sally’s family, thank you everyone for your very kind words for Sally. Now resting in peace. Regards, Bill Cooper
So sad to hear about Sal. Such a special longtime friend. Sal & her aunt Dorothy & Eddie Watson would come & stay with us at Minhamite & Port Fairy from when we were seven. I remember visiting in their Hawthorn home where Sal & Bowie lived with their parents & grandmother. Sal & I were dear friends & she visited our family regularly at Moama as she was my son Hugh’s godmother. Such a vibrant & caring person. I will miss you Sal xx
Sally was my Godmother and I have known her since I was little.
She always took interest in what I was up to and as I grew up, my studies and career.
I have some fond memories of Sally, including when she travelled up to Brisbane for my 30th birthday which was a great time catching up, along with various catch ups whenever I travelled down to Melbourne or when Sal had a work conference in Queensland.
She was dedicated to family and her career. I will miss her and hope she is now in peace up there with family and friends.
Hugh Williamson
Sally was my Godmother and has been part of my life since I was little.
I always enjoyed catching up and hearing about her stories and how her work was going. She always took an interest in what I
was up to and as I grew up, my studies and career.
I have some fond memories of Sally including travelling up to my 30th birthday party in Brisbane which was a great time,
as well as catching up when I was either down in Melbourne or when Sally travelled to Qld for work conferences.
She was dedicated to family and her career. I will miss her greatly. Rest in peace and join family and friends up there.
Hugh Williamson
Thank you for sharing this wonderful tribute to Sally, Regrettably Sally and I only connected in 2010 but she quickly became very special to us all. Farewell from your Cootamundra family. xxx
Lovely memorial, I’m sure Sally would have been pleased. Sally ‘s life was that of giving & advocating for families & in particular children. RIP Sally
Wonderful memories of time spent with Sally, my godmother, in Elsternwick and surrounds. She opened up her home to me and many others and supported me in my transition to life in Melbourne. I will always be grateful for her generosity, kindness and unique perspectives on life. Rest in peace.
My apologies for not attending. I only came out of hospital today but was so appreciate of the live feed.
Sally and I met at Firbanks in Grade 1 and were lifetime friends. Sally was godson to my eldest son Simon. Then helped my second son Matthew when he did his PHD Architecture. He lived with her and she turned her dining room into his work room to build his architecture project. She was like his proud Mum. She nurtured my other two sons Adam and James. In fact she took them all to the AFGL football to educate them,. She hosted our family at Seaspray with her Dad Alan and often took the boys there to give us a break. My husband David still eldest his toast the quirky way that Alan showed him. Sally often walked around to our house in Gardenvale with her dogs for a chat and a meal. I also knew Sally at The Lyceum Club where she loved attending. Thank you Sally for a loving friendship – we will all miss you so much. My two eldest sons will be watching this later today in Broadstairs UK.
I will emaily comment after the service.
A beautiful memory for a very dedicated, resourceful lady who gave so much to Family Day Care!!
Thanks Sally RIP
Janette Keesman
Formerly worked at Glen Eira Family Day Care
Sally was courageous, compassionate and indefatigable. She never flagged in her endeavours for the betterment of Firbank. I fondly recall how she livened up many a long board meeting with her ever so dry wit concerning some obscure piece of Firbank history. It was a privilege to to know her.
Weather conditions made it impossible to join you today – but I wish to extend my deepest sympathy to Sally’s extended family. Sally and I worked together at Swan House, holidayed together – she was my bridesmaid and is my daughter, Katies, Godmother.
Dear Sally, may she now rest in peace.
Anne O’Connell (McGrath)
We will miss you dearly Sally. Lots of wonderful memories at the Seaspray beach house. Thanks for teaching the kids how to swim in the sea and always opening your home to us. Love Kez, Browny, Dan and Clare. Xxx