Before the Service

The Service

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24 comments on “Vincent Loader”

  1. RIP Vinny. A character and Larakin at heart, he had a cheeky smile and a devilish laugh. I cherish our last lunch in Tedder Ave on the Gold Coast with you and Jen, with a few bubbles, lots of laughs and a couple of beers! Think we might have even had a bet or three. My condolences and Love to Shaun and all the family ❤️

  2. Vale Vin, a true gentleman and a great asset to the Kilmore Racing Club. Vin your contributions to the club and your support for me in my role at the club were truly appreciated and you will be sadly missed around the board table.
    Condolences to Jenny and family xxxxx

  3. Lovely service Jenny. You, Shaun and family did a lovely send off for a wonderful man. We are sending so much love your way, hope you can feel the warmth… Till we can catch up in person xxx PS having a few drinks for Vinny now. (Tom dedicated his afternoon music session to Vinny). Love you heaps, Kelly & Tom

  4. To a great man and true friend condolences to Jen and Shaun and the whole loader family farewell old mate to we meet again forever in my thoughts and heart love you Vincent flash

  5. A beautiful service fitting for a true gentleman and friend.
    Thinking of you Jenny and families.

  6. A beautiful tribute to a wonderful man, thank you Jenny and family
    The music, photos and Shaun lovely description of his life was beautiful
    Vinnie would be so proud of you all
    Love Noel & Mary

  7. Dear Jenny, Shaun and families,
    In the most challenging of times you have certainly excelled. Please accept our deepest sympathy and thank you for allowing us to share in the beautiful service to farewell our much respected friend, Vinnie.
    Much love,
    Kaylene and Mark

  8. I feel proud to have been able to watch your loving farewell to Vincent.
    My thoughts and prayers to Jenny and family.
    I will never forget my childhood memories shared with Vincent and Bob,
    who were like brothers to me when I was a younger.
    My love to Jenny and all the family at this very sad time.
    Love Mary Hughan xx

  9. Much valued and appreciated colleague at the Kilmore Racing Club. Vin will be sadly missed and fondly remembered.

  10. That was a beautiful service
    Vin we will miss your cheeky smile and love of life. Until we meet again
    Love you From Bee Rusty Tay and Jacko xxx

  11. Sincere Condolences to Jenny, Shaun & Families. Very Happy Memories of a Dear Close Friend and all the Good Times we spent together.I will miss my Mate, and the regular Phone calls. Am so Saddened at his passing. Now Rest In Peace, my Friend . Well Done Shaun. Beautiful Eulogy.

  12. RIP Mr. LOADER .. ‘ we are never gone ..we live on forever in the hearts and memories of those who loved us

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