After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you Wayne for the many years of memories may you R.I.P. you will be missed by so many condolences to the whole family and special thoughts with mum
RIP Wayne. Thank you for all your help you are always there for me. You are a very special friend to me. You teach me how to bowl and play golf.I will remember all the good times with you for the rest of my life.
You were such a nice person. Always putting others before yourself. You will be sadly missed – never forgotten. Till we meet again and have a beer together. May you Rest In Peace. Cheers mate. Dean and Shandi Lincoln and family xxx
Beautiful service for Wayne. Thank you to the Gardiner Family’s for having his best mate Ronald McNee and Jenny there. R.I.P. Wayne. Gone but not forgotten. Greatly missed by all.
Helen McNee
Dearest Wayno,
Can’t believe it’s time to say goodbye, way before your time.
Thank you for your friendship and all the laughs and good times we had along the way. You will be very much missed Wayne..until we meet again.
Our heartfelt condolences to your dear Mum and family,
Love Mog & Spic.xx
Thank you Wayne for the many years of memories may you R.I.P. you will be missed by so many condolences to the whole family and special thoughts with mum
Donna xxxx
Thoughts are with the Gardiner family. Very sad time for you all.
RIP Wayne. Thank you for all your help you are always there for me. You are a very special friend to me. You teach me how to bowl and play golf.I will remember all the good times with you for the rest of my life.
You were such a nice person. Always putting others before yourself. You will be sadly missed – never forgotten. Till we meet again and have a beer together. May you Rest In Peace. Cheers mate. Dean and Shandi Lincoln and family xxx
My thoughts are with Wayne’s family and friends at this sad time ,Wayne will missed by all ,rest in peace Wayne .
RIP Wayne. We will always treasure our memories of you.
Alan and Debbie Lincoln
Wayne gone but never forgotten..thinking of you Mum
Lovely service
Love Cindy & Chris xxx❤
Beautiful service for Wayne. Thank you to the Gardiner Family’s for having his best mate Ronald McNee and Jenny there. R.I.P. Wayne. Gone but not forgotten. Greatly missed by all.
Helen McNee
Rest In Peace Wayno.Till we meet again. Forever in our hearts xxx
Miss you Wayno love leigh Hayhurst and Jim voulgrallis. RIP
RIP Wayne
Gone but never forgotten. You will be missed by all.
Dearest Wayno,
Can’t believe it’s time to say goodbye, way before your time.
Thank you for your friendship and all the laughs and good times we had along the way. You will be very much missed Wayne..until we meet again.
Our heartfelt condolences to your dear Mum and family,
Love Mog & Spic.xx